Monday, November 26, 2012

Israel Rivals Europe in Bottle Recycling

Recycled plastic bottles
Israel's plastic bottle recycling is steadily growing and now rivals Europe, a new report by the ELA Recycling Corporation said.

According to the non-profit organization's data, over five million plastic bottles and containers have been recycled in Israel over the past 10 years.

Israel recycles 50.3% of its plastic bottles – substantially more than the United States (29.3%) and similar to Europe (51%).

Israel also recycles 77% of all glass bottles and cans.

Consumers' recycling habits and norms have been revolutionized. In about 8-9 years of intensive activity, Israel was able to catch up to Europe, which has been recycling for 25 years.

According to ELA's data, 61% of all containers are recycled, compared to 35% in 2002. The practice has saved Israel over 500,000 tons of waste that otherwise would have ended up in landfills.

Much of the change in the public's behavior was due to the availability of recycling bins, which can now be found on nearly every street in Israel.

The designated bins have contributed to a rise of 20% in recycling – from 20% in 2002 to 40%.

Institutional recycling also contributed to the encouraging data: over 20 million plastic bottles have been collected in schools alone over the past decade.

The IDF is also taking an active part in recycling efforts: over 7.6 million bottles have been collected by the military, with Military Intelligence's 8200 Unit holding the army's recycling record.

The religious sector has made steady progress on the matter. Awareness of the importance of plastic recycling is growing in the Druze and Arab communities as well.

About ELA

Deposit on Bottles and Beverage Containers Law (commonly known as the Deposit Law or the Bottle Recycling Law) was introduced in Israel in 2001. The Drink Containers Collection Corporation ('ELA') was called to be set up under this law for the purpose of handling the collection and recycling of bottles and cans. ELA was formed by the Manufacturers’ Association and four largest drinks manufacturers and retailers, who undertook to ensure that ELA collects containers, meets collection targets as stipulated by law, and provides containers as the raw material for recycling industries.

Source: Ynetnews

1 comment:

  1. Thats a good news, guys. We should see it as a competition in a healthy way to aware people of every country for recycling plastic, glass and cans.

    Recycling Plastic Containers


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