Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mankai duckweed plant: the next superfood?

Could a water weed, generally considered a fast-breeding, invasive nuisance in freshwater be the world's next superfood?

A team of researchers from Ben Gurion University found that mankai, a form of duckweed, can control blood sugar levels, especially after someone chowed down a hefty dose of carbs.

A study conducted by offering participants a mankai-laden shake vs a regular shake, containing yogurt, but having an otherwise identical nutritional profile, showed serious potential for controlling blood glucose levels, and providing more satiety for the mankai-drinking group.

Mankai duckweed is grown in Israel, in a controlled environment. It's also highly sustainable, as it requires a fraction of the amount of water to produce each gram of protein compared to soy, kale or spinach. It can be grown year-round hydroponically. It has no taste or odor, so it's easily integrated into recipes.

It's also high in protein, polyphenols, dietary fibers, minerals (including iron and zinc), vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamin B12, which is rarely produced by plants.

Read all about it here.

Off to have a green smoothie of my own, till next time!