Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Solar Start-up Seeks To Energize Gaza Border Economy

Solar cell printing technology start-up Utilight is looking to kill two birds with one stone--they're bringing much need manufacturing and jobs to the hard hit communities on the Gaza border.

They're also bringing eco-friendly technology to a region that desperately needs it.

Founded in 2009, Utilight has developed game-changing laser printing technology to manufacture superior, cheaper and lighter solar cells, which improved energy harvesting.

To promote their game-changing technology, the company created a new business model by developing its own brand of solar panels, called SilverLight – manufacturing cells with less silver that harvest more light.

The expected explosive growth in the near future of the solar panel industry makes Utilight's solutions perfect for war-ravaged communities close to Gaza's border.

Utilight has already made its way into the Chinese and Australian market, making Israel a front runner in the global surge.

Read all about it here

Off to enjoy a bit of sun and fun of my own, till next time!